Command check
Substrate development checkers
Usage: subalfred check [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
Compare the local node's runtime version with the live's one
Check if the crates' features are enabled correctly
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-l, --log <TARGET=LEVEL,*>
Set a custom log filter.
This flag is also working with the `RUST_LOG` environment variable. If you use `RUST_LOG`
simultaneously, this will append `RUST_LOG`'s value after the log.
[default: info]
-h, --help
Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)
Command check runtime
Compare the local node's runtime version with the live's one
Usage: subalfred check runtime [OPTIONS] --executable <PATH> --chain <CHAIN> --live <URI> --property <PROPERTY>
--executable <PATH>
Node executable's path
--chain <CHAIN>
Pass this name to `--chain` to launch the local chain
--live <URI>
Live chain's HTTP RPC endpoint
--property <PROPERTY>
Target property
[possible values: storage, version]
-l, --log <TARGET=LEVEL,*>
Set a custom log filter.
This flag is also working with the `RUST_LOG` environment variable. If you use `RUST_LOG`
simultaneously, this will append `RUST_LOG`'s value after the log.
[default: info]
-h, --help
Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)
We assume node-template's live chain is Polkadot here.
ENV preparation
git clone /tmp/subalfred-example/substrate-node-template
cd /tmp/subalfred-example/substrate-node-template
cargo build
Command check runtime --property storage
subalfred check runtime --chain dev --executable target/debug/node-template --live --property storage
- Pallet: "Auctions"
+ Pallet: "Aura"
- Pallet: "Authorship"
- Pallet: "Babe"
- Pallet: "Bounties"
- Pallet: "ChildBounties"
- Pallet: "Claims"
- Pallet: "Configuration"
- Pallet: "Council"
- Pallet: "Crowdloan"
- Pallet: "Democracy"
- Pallet: "Dmp"
- Pallet: "ElectionProviderMultiPhase"
- Pallet: "Hrmp"
- Pallet: "Identity"
- Pallet: "ImOnline"
- Pallet: "Indices"
- Pallet: "Initializer"
- Pallet: "Multisig"
- Pallet: "NominationPools"
- Pallet: "Offences"
- Pallet: "ParaInclusion"
- Pallet: "ParaInherent"
- Pallet: "ParaScheduler"
- Pallet: "ParaSessionInfo"
- Pallet: "Paras"
- Pallet: "ParasDisputes"
- Pallet: "ParasShared"
- Pallet: "PhragmenElection"
- Pallet: "Preimage"
- Pallet: "Proxy"
+ Pallet: "RandomnessCollectiveFlip"
- Pallet: "Registrar"
- Pallet: "Scheduler"
- Pallet: "Session"
- Pallet: "Slots"
- Pallet: "Staking"
+ Pallet: "Sudo"
- Pallet: "TechnicalCommittee"
- Pallet: "TechnicalMembership"
+ Pallet: "TemplateModule"
- Pallet: "Tips"
- Pallet: "Treasury"
- Pallet: "Ump"
- Pallet: "Vesting"
- Pallet: "VoterList"
- Pallet: "XcmPallet"
Pallet Balances
+ Entry: StorageEntryMetadata { name: "Locks", modifier: Default, ty: Map { hashers: [Blake2_128Concat], key: UntrackedSymbol { id: 0, marker: PhantomData }, value: UntrackedSymbol { id: 94, marker: PhantomData } }, default: [0], docs: [" Any liquidity locks on some account balances.", " NOTE: Should only be accessed when setting, changing and freeing a lock."] }
- Entry: StorageEntryMetadata { name: "Locks", modifier: Default, ty: Map { hashers: [Blake2_128Concat], key: UntrackedSymbol { id: 0, marker: PhantomData }, value: UntrackedSymbol { id: 467, marker: PhantomData } }, default: [0], docs: [" Any liquidity locks on some account balances.", " NOTE: Should only be accessed when setting, changing and freeing a lock."] }
+ Entry: StorageEntryMetadata { name: "Reserves", modifier: Default, ty: Map { hashers: [Blake2_128Concat], key: UntrackedSymbol { id: 0, marker: PhantomData }, value: UntrackedSymbol { id: 98, marker: PhantomData } }, default: [0], docs: [" Named reserves on some account balances."] }
- Entry: StorageEntryMetadata { name: "Reserves", modifier: Default, ty: Map { hashers: [Blake2_128Concat], key: UntrackedSymbol { id: 0, marker: PhantomData }, value: UntrackedSymbol { id: 471, marker: PhantomData } }, default: [0], docs: [" Named reserves on some account balances."] }
Pallet Grandpa
+ Entry: StorageEntryMetadata { name: "PendingChange", modifier: Optional, ty: Plain(UntrackedSymbol { id: 77, marker: PhantomData }), default: [0], docs: [" Pending change: (signaled at, scheduled change)."] }
- Entry: StorageEntryMetadata { name: "PendingChange", modifier: Optional, ty: Plain(UntrackedSymbol { id: 513, marker: PhantomData }), default: [0], docs: [" Pending change: (signaled at, scheduled change)."] }
Pallet System
+ Entry: StorageEntryMetadata { name: "BlockWeight", modifier: Default, ty: Plain(UntrackedSymbol { id: 7, marker: PhantomData }), default: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], docs: [" The current weight for the block."] }
- Entry: StorageEntryMetadata { name: "BlockWeight", modifier: Default, ty: Plain(UntrackedSymbol { id: 7, marker: PhantomData }), default: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], docs: [" The current weight for the block."] }
+ Entry: StorageEntryMetadata { name: "Events", modifier: Default, ty: Plain(UntrackedSymbol { id: 16, marker: PhantomData }), default: [0], docs: [" Events deposited for the current block.", "", " NOTE: The item is unbound and should therefore never be read on chain.", " It could otherwise inflate the PoV size of a block.", "", " Events have a large in-memory size. Box the events to not go out-of-memory", " just in case someone still reads them from within the runtime."] }
- Entry: StorageEntryMetadata { name: "Events", modifier: Default, ty: Plain(UntrackedSymbol { id: 16, marker: PhantomData }), default: [0], docs: [" Events deposited for the current block.", "", " NOTE: The item is unbound and should therefore never be read on chain.", " It could otherwise inflate the PoV size of a block.", "", " Events have a large in-memory size. Box the events to not go out-of-memory", " just in case someone still reads them from within the runtime."] }
Command check runtime --property version
subalfred check runtime --chain dev --executable target/debug/substrate-node-template --live --property version
RuntimeVersion {
- spec_name: "polkadot",
+ spec_name: "node-template",
- impl_name: "parity-polkadot",
+ impl_name: "node-template",
- authoring_version: 0,
+ authoring_version: 1,
- spec_version: 9291,
+ spec_version: 100,
- impl_version: 0,
+ impl_version: 1,
- transaction_version: 14,
+ transaction_version: 1,
- state_version: 0,
+ state_version: 1,
Check if the crates' features are enabled correctly
Usage: subalfred check features [OPTIONS] [PATH]
Root `Cargo.toml`'s path.
If `Cargo.toml` wasn't given, Subalfred will search it under the given path.
[default: ./Cargo.toml]
-l, --log <TARGET=LEVEL,*>
Set a custom log filter.
This flag is also working with the `RUST_LOG` environment variable. If you use `RUST_LOG` simultaneously, this will append `RUST_LOG`'s
value after the log.
[default: info]
-h, --help
Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)
Episode 1
As we know Substrate has two runtime ENVs, native and WASM. If a runtime dependency is not pure no-std, we need to write:
std = ["pallet/std"]
pallet = { version = "0.1.0", default-features = false }
Sometimes, we might forget to write add the pallet/std
Recently, I found someone have the same requirement.
So, I decide to make this tool.
Episode 2
As time passed, more and more features were added to Substrate.
We have std
, runtime-benchmarks
and try-runtime
It's hard to check if all features are enabled correctly.
git clone /tmp/subalfred-example/polkadot
cd /tmp/subalfred-example/polkadot
git checkout 0fd106c04e5f57f6342f8e000d471d0f819f7b61
subalfred check features runtime/polkadot -lsubalfred
checking: runtime/polkadot/Cargo.toml
2022-11-02T17:50:17.766228Z TRACE subalfred_core::check::features: check::features::try-runtime takes 0.000155583 secs
2022-11-02T17:50:17.766669Z TRACE subalfred_core::check::features: check::features::std takes 0.000417541 secs
2022-11-02T17:50:17.766846Z TRACE subalfred_core::check::features: check::features::runtime-benchmarks takes 0.000169125 secs
incomplete `try-runtime` of `frame-support`
incomplete `try-runtime` of `runtime-parachains`
incomplete `std` of `frame-benchmarking`
incomplete `std` of `frame-system-benchmarking`
incomplete `std` of `pallet-election-provider-support-benchmarking`
incomplete `std` of `pallet-nomination-pools-benchmarking`
incomplete `std` of `pallet-offences-benchmarking`
incomplete `std` of `pallet-session-benchmarking`
incomplete `std` of `runtime-parachains`
incomplete `std` of `sp-io`
incomplete `runtime-benchmarks` of `primitives`
incomplete `runtime-benchmarks` of `sp-staking`
incomplete `runtime-benchmarks` of `xcm-executor`
Moreover, we can add the checks into your project CI.
I've already add these to the Darwinia CI. And here is the result example.