Command state

A set of tools to process Substrate-like chain state

Usage: subalfred state [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

          Check the differences between the two states.
          This is not a symmetric difference operation.
          `a.diff(b)` might equal `b.diff(a)`, but not always.
          Export the chain state from the Substrate-like node through the WS RPC endpoint
          Fork-off the Substrate-like chain state
          Insert the key/value pair into the specific file.
          Override the chain spec a with b.
          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -l, --log <TARGET=LEVEL,*>
          Set a custom log filter.

          This flag is also working with the `RUST_LOG` environment variable. If you use `RUST_LOG`
          simultaneously, this will append `RUST_LOG`'s value after the log.

          [default: info]

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)

Command state diff

Check the differences between the two states.
This is not a symmetric difference operation.
`a.diff(b)` might equal `b.diff(a)`, but not always.

Usage: subalfred state diff [OPTIONS] <PATH> <PATH>

          Chain spec a's path

          Chain spec b's path

  -l, --log <TARGET=LEVEL,*>
          Set a custom log filter.

          This flag is also working with the `RUST_LOG` environment variable. If you use `RUST_LOG`
          simultaneously, this will append `RUST_LOG`'s value after the log.

          [default: info]

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)


subalfred state diff chain-spec-a.json chain-spec-b.json
subalfred state diff chain-spec-b.json chain-spec-a.json

Command state export

Export the chain state from the Substrate-like node through the WS RPC endpoint.

The result will be stored at `<a>.export`.

Usage: subalfred state export [OPTIONS] <URI>

          Live chain's HTTP RPC endpoint

      --at <HASH/NUM>
          Export the data starting from this block.

          Accept block hash or block number.

      --timeout <SECS>
          Timeout for the fetching

          [default: 10]

          Export all the data.

          So, it conflicts with any other filter option.

          The default behaviour (without this option) is fetching according to metadata's pallet
          storage records, which means if there is any old storage prefix that can not be found in
          the current runtime's pallet storage names will be ignored.

      --skip-pallets <[PALLET]>
          Skip these pallets, while fetching.

          It's useful when you want to skip the 'large' pallets.

      --renew-consensus-with <PATH>
          Renew the consensus relate things of the chain.

          We need the dev chain specification to renew the consensus relates genesis. Otherwise, the
          fork-off chain won't produce block.

          It will:
          - Skip `["System", "Babe", "Authorship", "Session", "Grandpa", "Beefy"]` pallets, but keep
            the `System::Account` data. (in order to make the new chain runnable)
          - Change the id and impl name to `*-export`.
          - Clear the bootnodes.
          - Set the `Staking::ForceEra` to `ForceNone`. (in order to prevent the validator set from
            changing mid-test)

          Usually use this as below to get a runnable fork-off chain, and you can do whatever you
          want on it. Test new features, runtime upgrade, etc.

          xxx-node --export-state > xxx-export.json
          xxx-node --build-spec xxx-dev > xxx-dev.json
          subalfred state fork-off xxx-export.json --renew-consensus-with --simple-governance
          xxx-node --chain xxx.json.fork-off --alice --tmp

          `--alice` only works for which dev chain's genesis validator is `//Alice`, otherwise the
          new chain won't produce block. If your dev chain's genesis validator is `//Bob`, then
          running with `--bob`. But if your dev chain's genesis validator isn't any one of the
          well-known keys, then you should start the node with `--validator` and insert the key

          Use `//Alice` to control the governance.

          It's useful when you want to test the runtime upgrade.

          It will:
          - Replace sudo key with `//Alice`, if the sudo pallet existed.
          - Replace phragmen election and council members with `//Alice`, if the collective pallet
          - Replace technical membership and tech.comm members with `//Alice`, if the membership
            pallet existed.

          Disable adding the default bootnodes to the specification.

  -l, --log <TARGET=LEVEL,*>
          Set a custom log filter.

          This flag is also working with the `RUST_LOG` environment variable. If you use `RUST_LOG`
          simultaneously, this will append `RUST_LOG`'s value after the log.

          [default: info]

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)


ENV preparation

git clone /tmp/subalfred-example/substrate-node-template
cd /tmp/subalfred-example/substrate-node-template
cargo build
target/debug/node-template build-spec --dev --raw > chain-spec.json
target/debug/node-template --chain chain-spec.json --alice --tmp

Open PolkadotApps account page. Check Dave's balances is 0. Then transfer 10 UNIT from Alice to Dave.

Start example

# Open a new terminal.
cd /tmp/subalfred-example/substrate-node-template
subalfred state export ws:// -lsubalfred_core::state,subalfred_core::substrate_client

The exported state is locate at /tmp/subalfred-example/substrate-node-template/default-chain-spec.json.export.

Command state fork-off

Fork-off the Substrate-like chain state.

The result will be stored at `<a>.fork-off`.

Usage: subalfred state fork-off [OPTIONS] <PATH>

          Target chain spec file's path

      --renew-consensus-with <PATH>
          Renew the consensus relate things of the chain.

          We need the dev chain specification to renew the consensus relates genesis. Otherwise, the
          fork-off chain won't produce block.

          It will:
          - Skip `["System", "Babe", "Authorship", "Session", "Grandpa", "Beefy"]` pallets, but keep
            the `System::Account` data. (in order to make the new chain runnable)
          - Change the id and impl name to `*-export`.
          - Clear the bootnodes.
          - Set the `Staking::ForceEra` to `ForceNone`. (in order to prevent the validator set from
            changing mid-test)

          Usually use this as below to get a runnable fork-off chain, and you can do whatever you
          want on it. Test new features, runtime upgrade, etc.

          xxx-node --export-state > xxx-export.json
          xxx-node --build-spec xxx-dev > xxx-dev.json
          subalfred state fork-off xxx-export.json --renew-consensus-with --simple-governance
          xxx-node --chain xxx.json.fork-off --alice --tmp

          `--alice` only works for which dev chain's genesis validator is `//Alice`, otherwise the
          new chain won't produce block. If your dev chain's genesis validator is `//Bob`, then
          running with `--bob`. But if your dev chain's genesis validator isn't any one of the
          well-known keys, then you should start the node with `--validator` and insert the key

          Use `//Alice` to control the governance.

          It's useful when you want to test the runtime upgrade.

          It will:
          - Replace sudo key with `//Alice`, if the sudo pallet existed.
          - Replace phragmen election and council members with `//Alice`, if the collective pallet
          - Replace technical membership and tech.comm members with `//Alice`, if the membership
            pallet existed.

          Disable adding the default bootnodes to the specification.

  -l, --log <TARGET=LEVEL,*>
          Set a custom log filter.

          This flag is also working with the `RUST_LOG` environment variable. If you use `RUST_LOG`
          simultaneously, this will append `RUST_LOG`'s value after the log.

          [default: info]

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)


ENV preparation

Finish the Command state export's example first.

Start example

cd /tmp/subalfred-example/substrate-node-template
subalfred state fork-off default-chain-spec.json.export --renew-consensus-with chain-spec.json
target/debug/node-template --chain default-chain-spec.json.export.fork-off --alice --tmp

Check block number from the console, it should be started from 0. It means this is a new chain.

Open PolkadotApps account page. Check Dave's balances, it should be 10. It means this is a new chain with the exported/fork-off(ed) data.

Command state override

Override the chain spec a with b.

The result will be stored at `<a>.override`.

Usage: subalfred state override [OPTIONS] <PATH> <PATH>

          Chain spec a's path

          Chain spec b's path

  -l, --log <TARGET=LEVEL,*>
          Set a custom log filter.

          This flag is also working with the `RUST_LOG` environment variable. If you use `RUST_LOG`
          simultaneously, this will append `RUST_LOG`'s value after the log.

          [default: info]

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)


subalfred state override a.json b.json
# You could use `diff` command to check the result, its output should be empty.
subalfred state diff a.json.override b.json

Command state insert

Insert the key/value pair into the specific file.

If the key already exists, it will be overwritten.

# Example
# Calculate the WASM code key.
subalfred convert ascii2hex ':code'
# "0x3a636f6465"
# Override the WASM code.
subalfred state insert chain-spec.json --key 0x3a636f6465 --with-file runtime.compact.compressed.wasm

Usage: subalfred state insert [OPTIONS] --key <HEX> <--value <HEX>|--with-file <PATH>> <PATH>

          Target state file's path

      --key <HEX>
          Storage key

      --value <HEX>
          Storage value

      --with-file <PATH>
          Storage value file

  -l, --log <TARGET=LEVEL,*>
          Set a custom log filter.

          This flag is also working with the `RUST_LOG` environment variable. If you use `RUST_LOG`
          simultaneously, this will append `RUST_LOG`'s value after the log.

          [default: info]

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)


# Update WASM code of a chain spec file.
subalfred state insert chain-spec.json --key 0x3a636f6465 --with-file runtime.compact.compressed.wasm